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Hello everyone,welcome to Mandarin Morning.
A:听说Hsk 考试有新的变化了,如果你要考HSK3 ,就一定要考HSKK初级口语。如果你考HSK4,就要一起考HSKK中级口语。如果你要考HSK5或者HSK6,就要一并考HSKK 高级口语。
I heard that there have been new changes in the Hsk exam. If you want to take HSK3 exam , you must take HSKK Basic Speaking test . If you take HSK4 exam, you need to take HSKK Intermediate Speaking test together . If you want to take HSK5 or HSK6 exam, you need to take HSKK Advanced Speaking test together.
Yes, so we can now organize a free oral simulation test for everyone. Do you want to register?
add my wechat account 13918358891 is ok ~!
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Post time: Feb-28-2024