Learn mandarin online: how to say taking advantage of something in Chinese


If you want to learn Chinese,welcome to Mandarin Morning.





Today, we are going to learn a new knowledge point: take advantage of something


(chèn)”,(shì)(jiè)()(hòu)(miàn)()(ɡēn)(mínɡ)()(dònɡ)()(duǎn)()(xínɡ)(rónɡ)()()(xiǎo)()()(si)(shì)()(yònɡ)((shí)(jiān)()(huì)) ,()():


“趁” is a preposition. It can be followed by nouns, phrasal verbs, adjectives, and clauses. It means to take advantage of (time &chance).


Let’s go to travel while we have a rest these days.



I’m going to buy two bottles of mineral water before the movie starts.



Noodles should be eaten while they are hot. If they are cold, they will not taste good.



Have you learned today’s knowledge points



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Post time: Jul-06-2022