Family relations can reach out over several generations and through many extensions. English terms for family members only consider two factors: generation and gender. While in English, there is only one way to say “aunt,” for example, there are multiple ways to say “aunt” in Chinese depending on many factors.
Is she your aunt on your mother’s or father’s side? Is she the eldest sibling? The youngest? Is she an aunt by blood or an in-law? All these questions are considered when figuring out the proper way to address a family member. Therefore, a family member’s title is packed with lots of information!
In Chinese culture, it is important to know how to correctly address a family member. Calling a family member by the wrong title can be considered impolite.
Here is a list of Mandarin Chinese names of extended family members:
Grandparents’ Generation:
Father’s father | 爷爷 | yéye |
Father’s mother | 奶奶 | nǎinai |
Mother’s father | 外公 | wàigōng |
Mother’s mother | 外婆 | wàipó |
Parents’ Generation:
Father |
爸爸 | bàba |
Father’s elder brother | 伯伯 | bóbo |
Father’s younger brother | 叔叔 | shūshu |
Father’s (elder/younger) sister | 姑姑 | gūgu |
Mother | 妈妈 | māma |
Mother’s (elder/younger) brother | 舅舅 | jiùjiu |
Mother’s (elder/younger) sister | 姨妈 | yímā |
Your Generation:
Elder brother |
哥哥 | gēge |
Younger brother | 弟弟 | dìdi |
Elder sister | 姐姐 | jiějie |
Younger sister | 妹妹 | mèimei |
Children’s Generation:
Son |
儿子 | érzi |
Son’s wife | 媳妇 | xífù |
Daughter | 女儿 | nǚ’ér |
Daughter’s husband | 女婿 | nǚxù |
Grandchildren’s Generation:
Grandson |
孙子 | sūnzi |
Grandson’s wife | 孙媳妇 | sūnxífù |
Granddaughter | 孙女 | sūnnǚ |
Granddaughter’s husband | 孙女婿 | sūnnǚxù |
Post time: Feb-17-2020