Chinese New Year Greetings

Chinese people greet one another with lucky sayings and phrases to wish health, wealth and good fortune when they meet during the Chinese New Year.

These New Year greetings, well wishes and quotes will enable you to share the joy and love during the festive period.


1. How to say “Happy New Year!”

新年好(xīn nián hǎo) = Good New Year!

过年好(guò nián hǎo) = Good New Year!

新年快乐(xīn nián kuài lè) = Happy New Year!

春节快乐(chūn jié kuài lè) = Happy Spring Festival!


2. Sayings for Good Luck & Best Wishes

大吉大利(dà jí dà lì) = Good luck and big profit.

吉祥如意(jí xiáng rú yì) = Good fortune as you wish.

万事如意(wàn shì rú yì) = May all go well with you.

心想事成(xīn xiǎng shì chéng) = May all your wishes come true.

一帆风顺 (yì fān fēng shùn) = Wish you a smooth life.


3. Greetings for Family Life

阖家欢乐(hé jiā huān lè) = Joy and fun for the whole family.

阖家幸福(hé jiā xìng fú) = Happiness for the whole family.

年年有余(nián nián yǒu yú) = Surplus year after year.

身体健康 (shēn tǐ jiàn kāng) = Good health.


4. Greetings for Good Fortune

恭喜发财 (gōng xǐ fā cái) = Wish you happiness and prosperity!

财源广进 (cái yuán guǎng jìn) = Wide and plentiful financial sources.

财源滚滚 (cái yuán gǔn gǔn) = May a river of gold flow into your pockets.

招财进宝(zhāo cái jìn bǎo) = Bring in wealth and treasure.

金玉满堂 (jīn yù mǎn tang) = Abundant wealth in the house.


5. Wishes for the Career

事业有成 (shì yè yǒu chéng) = Successful career.

工作顺利 (gōng zuò shùn lì) = Everything goes well with your work.

飞黄腾达 (fēi huáng téng dá) = Rapid success in career.


6. Greetings in the Year of the Rat:

This year is the Year of the Rat. You can say some lucky phrases related to Rat:

鼠年吉祥(shǔ nián jí xiáng) = Wish you a lucky Year of the Rat.

鼠年如意 (shǔ nián rú yì) = May the year of Rat go well.

鼠年行大运 (shǔ nián xíng dà yùn) = May the year of Rat be of great luck.

Post time: Jan-22-2020