Chinese Lesson: Visiting a Doctor

Visiting the hospital or going to see a doctor can be very stressful, and a language barrier can make things even more difficult. Here are some useful words and a few simple phrases that will help you to describe your symptoms and understand your results to make the situation easier.

Hospital-related words:

医院 (yī yuàn) = Hospital

医生 (yī shēng) = Doctor

护士 (hù shi) = Nurse

救护车 (jiù hù chē) = ambulance

紧急 (jǐn jí) = emergency

Once inside the hospital, you need to go to a specific department:

在哪里挂号?(zài nǎ lǐ guà hào) = Where do I register?

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be given a number. When the nurse calls your name and number this is known as 叫号 (jiào hào).

How to say “I’m sick”:

我病了。(wǒ bìng le) = I’m sick.

我不舒服。(wǒ bù shū fu) = I feel sick.

我感冒了。(wǒ gǎn mào le) = I have a cold.

If you visit a doctor, they may ask for your symptoms:

你什么地方不舒服?(nǐ shén me dì fang bù shū fu) = Where are you uncomfortable?

发烧吗?(fā shāo ma) = Do you have a fever?

头疼吗?(tóu téng ma?) = Do you have a headache?

Describing your symptoms:

我发烧了。(wǒ fā shāo le) = I have a fever.

我流鼻涕。(wǒ liú bí tì) = I have a runny nose.

我打喷嚏。(wǒ dǎ pēn tì) = I am sneezing.

我咳嗽。(wǒ ké sou) = I have a cough.

我嗓子疼。(wǒ sǎng zi téng) = I have a sore throat.

我肚子疼。(wǒ dù zi téng) = I have stomachache.

我拉肚子。 (wǒ lā dù zi) = I have diarrhea.

我头疼。(wǒ tóu téng) = I have a headache.

骨头断了。(wǒ gǔ tou duàn le) = I have a broken bone.

Being Examined:

The doctor may need to examine you in order to diagnose your illness.

抽血 (chōu xuè) = take blood

量血压 (liáng xuè yā) = take blood pressure

听诊 (tīng zhěn) = listen to your heart beat

X光 (x guāng) = x-ray

量体温 (liáng tǐ wēn) = measure body temperature

Getting Your Results:

Once your results are back, or after your examination, the doctor will prescribe you with medicine or other forms of treatment.

你需要… (nǐ xū yào…) = You need…

拐杖 (guǎi zhàng) = crutches

打针 (dǎ zhēn) = an injection

药品 (yào pǐn) = medicine

点滴 (diǎn dī) = a drip

吊带 (diào dài) = a sling

Post time: Jan-15-2020